Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Disturbingly Addicted

Sunday...My favourite day of the week!The day I can sleep till noon and then spend all my day in bed without thinking of how much i have to study for my exams the next day and without any memory of how much time I have already spent studying unnecessary things in the library!!Yes, that's the thing I like about Sunday-it's the day when the inactivity doesn't make me feel guilty at all.
So, last Sunday I was planing to enjoy my day, doing ABSOLUTELY nothing, but staying in Facebook!!At 12P.M. I was waken by the smell of fried onion coming from my neighbour's apartment, but that's something really common and now that I'm thinking, it doesn't have to bother me at all, because I'm used to it.The thing that left me speechless was the fact that my computer,my dearest Sony Vaio VGN DR498 has decided not to work!Not only my Windows has crashed,but after calling my sister desperately praying for some help, trying the Safe Mode and the System Restore, I felt more crashed and more devastated than I could ever be.Somehow I managed to call a friend and he promised me that everything will be alright...Yeah, right, easy to say, because his computer was completely fine!!!grrr!
Now that my computer needs to be fixed, I'm using one of the oldest HP I have ever seen and I was thinking - is it possible to be so addicted to such a thing?I mean...have I lost my mind?Am I becoming so antisocial, that even 2-3 nights without my own computer make me go crazy?I am really worried about myself and I desperately need if not my Sony, at least help.But as a lonely student in Italy, my computer has become my only friend - sad but true..
PS:Thank God I can say how bad I feel about my addiction in this blog, because I could never tell it to my REAL friends without seeing the pity in their eyes.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Shit Happens

I have been told that if I have something to say, perhaps Facebook is not the perfect place to share some things and that's why my dear sister told me to create my own blog just to feel free to write my thoughts, because I need to relieve myself (although the blog does not help a lot) and just to write something..now that I have been inspired by the shit that happened to me recently and now that I'm done with everything and everybody I feel like sharing my feelings...my hurt feelings, even though I think this might be considered as a very pathetic action and probably no one cares...
Question:How stupid can a woman be, that after she shares her hopes and dreams, and fears and her life with a man, who after being with her and telling her how much he loves her, leaves her for no particular reason?...
Answer:That's the thing I like about Italy - when you don't know how to answer a question, you can just say ''BUH???''Well exactly...That was the reaction,but the question still needs to be answered...
Question:How stupid can be a woman, that after being polite and sweet and quite understanding, starts seeing someone, no one special(oh God no!!) and certainly when she realizes she has some kind of feelings, she has been rejected again for no particular reason..??
Answer:Well...that's another thing I love about Italy - when something like this happens, you just say ''ma...vaffanculo va!!'' and the question still needs to be answered...
There are a lot of things we have to like about life and I KNOW I will find them some day...but what I desperately need now, is just to know that i can still trust people, even though I have lost my hope, after being betrayed I just feel like people are fake or that I'm too nice or may be it's just a question of compatibility, again-this question needs to be answered, but this time I think I can keep it to myself-no ''vaffanculo va!'' and no ''buh''...''no muss...no fuss''!!!
ps:and I still believe there is at least one person I can tell everything without being rejected ''for no particular reason''but ''life is like a box of chocolates-you never know what are you gonna get''!!